Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 75 Duke

This kind of happened real fast. Kim has a friend who knew some people who needed to find a good home for a Yellow Lab. I was not looking to "replace" my friend. That can never happen. However, I have added a new buddy and his name is Duke. He is two years old and man, is he ACTIVE. So far he gets along fine with Kobe (who has already let him know who is the boss). Brendan, however, can't stand him. That will take time, I suppose. Duke could not care less about the cat, but I think he'd better watch out for a few days.  So, here he is.

           f/5; ISO 3200; 1/30 sec. exposure; 18mm focal length


  1. Hooray! I was thinking earlier today that adopting a new friend would be a good idea. :)

  2. I saw that coming! Yay, I hope Duke will be a good fit for the Besseys :O)
